Typically once a year, around the same time, it may be time for your annual wellness visit. A wellness visit is an annual check-up with an obstetrician-gynecologist, midwife, or nurse practitioner to understand your reproductive health experience so far. This is also the time you will receive preventative services and counseling.

What happens during the annual wellness visit?
Your annual wellness visit depends on your age, sexual history, reproductive life goals, and medical history. Source: Planned Parenthood
Ages 21-24: You may choose to start getting Pap tests at this age if you want
Ages 25-65: HPV test (or a Pap and HPV test together) every 5 years
Ages 25-39: clinical breast exam every 1-3 years
Ages 40+: mammogram every 1-2 years.
Topics that may be discussed: Source: Health.gov
Medical history + family history
Mental health screening
Sexual activity and partner(s)
Eating habits and physical activity
Drugs, tobacco, and alcohol use
Medicines, vitamins, minerals, or herb use
Preparing for a Wellness Visit
Make a list of questions to ask your provider
If you’re feeling nervous, you can ask if you can have someone in the room with you
Schedule your test for a time when you don’t have your period, or it’s light
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do I need to shave or wax before my appointment?
A: Absolutely not! If you want to, go ahead, but know that it’s not a requirement.
Q: Should I wear a matching undergarment set for my appointment?
A: If you would like too, you will be provided with a gown to change into if you are doing a preventative screening exam.
Q: What if I don’t have any questions during my visit?
A: I got you! Download this FREE PDF of questions to ask your provider during a wellness visit.
Do you prepare a list of questions before your annual wellness visits?
Yes, all the time
Eh, sometimes
No, I never have questions